The common green bottle fly (biological name Phaenicia sericata or Lucilia sericata) is a blow fly found in most areas of the world, and the most well-known of the numerous green bottle fly species. It is 10–14 mm long, slightly larger than a house fly, and has brilliant, metallic, blue-green or golden coloration with black markings. It has short, sparse black bristles (setae) and three cross-grooves on the thorax. The wings are clear with light brown veins, and the legs and antennae are black. The maggots (larvae) of the fly are used for maggot therapy.
Canon 600D.
Sigma 50mm 2.8 Macro.
F.Stop: F/14.
Tempo de Exposição: 1/160.
Velocidade de ISO: ISO-200.
Distancia Focal:50mm.
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