Empididae are small to medium-sized flies, rarely large (1.0 to
15.0mm.).The body is slender,or elongated and rarely thickset. The
colour ranges from yellow to black, and they may be pollinose or
lustrous, but never have a metallic gloss. The head is often small and
rounded with relatively large eyes.The eyes of the male and (rarely) the
female may be contiguous (holoptic). The antenna usually have three
segments of which the third is the largest and bears a long or short,
usually apical arista or style.The eyes often have an incision (notch)
at the level of the antennae.The proboscis is often long and in several
genera powerful and piercing. If the mouthparts are strongly elongate
they project forward or downward toward the fore legs. Some species have
short mouthparts. The legs are usually long and slender but often
powerful and in some cases the fore legs are raptorial, adapted to
catching and holding prey.The wings are clear or partially tinged and,
in some species, with a stigma spot,or with a distinct pattern. Radial
vein R4+5 is often forked and the discal-medial cell (dm) is almost
always present. The venation of the wings in minute species is often
simplified. The posteror part of the wings on the basal side of the anal
vein bears the designation of axillary or anal lobe. In species with a
highly developed axillary lobe, the margin may form an angle with the
margin of the alula.This is termed the axillary angle, the size of which
is often a good diagnostic feature.
The larvae have an incomplete head capsule incomplete (hemicephalic)
which is often retracted into the thorax 8-segmented abdomen with paired
parapods on abdominal segments 1 - 7 or 1 - 8. The posterior spiracles
are quite widely separated and the anal segment is frequently lobed. The
pupae is without a puparium.
Canon 600D.
Sigma 50mm 2.8 Macro.
F.Stop: F/14.
Tempo de Exposição: 1/160.
Velocidade de ISO: ISO-200.
Distancia Focal:50mm.
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